Answer: Call emergency services on 0435 118 851 urgently.
Answer: Get the fire department to check that the residence is safe to enter.
Answer: Get the fire department to check that your utilities are safe to use. Do not attempt to check yourself.
Answer: Leave it to us; we will make a full inventory of all damaged goods and will transport all restorable furniture offsite for restoration. A skip will be hired to dispose of all items that are too far-gone and need to be written off. Save all receipts related to the damage, as you may need to provide them to your insurance company.
Answer: Depending on where exactly the fire damage has taken place, you may or may not need to find alternate accommodation. As a general rule, each room affected needs to be 100% cleared and isolated for cleaning and odor treatment.
Answer: Yes, all completed jobs get a tax invoice and a valid fire damage report.